With Natural Woman it is possible for all women of all ages to recapture the joys of the physical and emotional wellbeing that comes from naturally nourishing and balancing our fragile hormonal levels.
Evening Primrose is one of the greatest preventative supplements in the plant kingdom.
In the treatment of menstrual and menopausal symptoms, Evening Primrose comes into its own, helping to prevent mood swings & depression, aiding the relief of flushes and is now widely used in the treatment of cyclic breast pain, along with Vitamins B1 & B6 (found in our formulation B+) – naturally, there are no side effects.
Your PMS Value Pack contains as follows:
2 x Natural Woman (100ml) = 60 – 100 days supply: Normal price $60 p/ea Total $120
1 x Evening primrose (60 caps) = 60 days supply: Normal price $33.50 Total $33.50
SAVE $33.50 on product
Pay only $120 and with FREE Postage ($12.50)
Total Value Saved: $46.00
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