Spring is such a lovely time of year – after spending the last 3 months rugged up in our tracksuit pants and jumpers, we can now remove the excess layers of clothing and feel the warmth in the air. Not only that, the sun is rising earlier and the flowers are beginning to come out: it’s like we have all woken up from a long winter slumber and are reveling in the joys that Spring can deliver.
The foods that you feel like eating tends to change at this time of the year too – warming stews and soups are a distant memory and the desire to eat salads is back again!

As a result, we want to tantalise your tastebuds with a recipe that is perfect for Spring: introducing our Baby Spinach Salad.
Did you know that baby spinach is from the same plant as regular spinach, but it is harvested earlier in its life cycle? Baby spinach is picked 15 to 35 days after planting instead of the 40 days or more that normal spinach requires. As a result, baby spinach tends to be smaller, sweeter and more tender which is why it can be eaten raw or cooked (whereas sometimes regular spinach can taste ‘bitter’ when eaten raw).
The best thing is that there is little difference nutritionally as more mature spinach. The soil, climate and season have more effect on nutrient levels than when the spinach is harvested. So when you are indulging in some baby spinach, you are ‘loading up’ on Vitamin A, most of the B-group, C, E and K. Minerals provided by baby spinach include calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, selenium and zinc. Baby spinach also contains antioxidants and at only 7 calories per cup, it is your low-calorie, low-fat superfood!
Our Baby Spinach Salad is a recipe from our Low GI program – it makes an excellent lunch as the protein provided by the egg, bacon and cheese ensures that your blood sugar levels are stabilized, meaning you are less likely to be looking for a ‘sugar hit’ at 3pm (and if you are still suffering with the mid-afternoon slump, you need to talk to your consultant about our potent Endocrave – (end those cravings!)
If you would like your own copy of The Natural Way Recipe Book, call 1300 SLIMMER (754 663) TODAY and place an order. At only $30 per copy, it is a small investment to make in the health of your family. Also available online, or Mail Order on 0458 754 663
Bon Appetit.
4 cups baby spinach
1 small spring onion
1 250g punnet cherry tomatoes, halved
2 hard boiled eggs, cut into quarters
2 tsp olive oil
1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 Tbsp grated parmesan
2 rashers bacon (trimmed of fat), well grilled and crumbled
METHOD: Wash and pat spinach dry. Trim off long stalks. Combine the spinach, onion, tomato and egg. Combine the oil and vinegar in a separate container with a lid. Shake container until oil and vinegar is combined. Drizzle the dressing on the salad, gently toss and serve with cheese and bacon sprinkled on top.
(per serve: 14.5g fat / 9g carb / 22.5g protein / 255 cals / 1067 kj / Low GI)