Three weeks in – how are you doing?

There’s no denying it – 2021 is here and any New Years’ Resolutions you may have made should be actioned…right? How are you going with that?  The key to success with making resolutions is to make sure you word them correctly i.e. the words ‘always’, ‘never’ and / or ‘no’ are extremely negative which can impact on how well you ‘stick’ to them.  

Some commonly made negative resolutions include the following:

Bad Resolution #1

I’m going to exercise every day

It’s great to be committed to exercising regularly, however setting yourself unachievable targets means that if you miss just one day, then you give yourself a hard time. Result? It all gets ‘too hard’ and your good intentions with exercise are suddenly out the window. You are better off to be realistic and aim for three to five sessions of exercise per week – this is more attainable and you probably will enjoy it more too.   

Bad Resolution #2:  

I’m going to lose 8kg this month – no excuses!

Having unrealistic weight loss expectations encourages crash dieting, which can have a negative effect on your metabolism (not to mention ‘blowing your dieting efforts’ on a huge binge due to hunger pangs).  Research has proved that weight loss gradually is far more likely to stay off than weight that is lost rapidly.  So aim to lose between 0.5-1kg a week in a sensible, balanced way.

Bad Resolutions #3

I will stop eating breakfast so I can lose weight quicker

Skipping breakfast will NOT help you to lose weight.  It will cause you to feel tired & lethargic (due to falling blood sugar levels) and increase the likelihood of you eating more calories later in the day.  Worst of all, it ‘starves’ your body of nutrients and, as a result, your metabolism will slow down accordingly due to the lack of food.  It is important to eat three meals daily – with healthy snacks between meals – in order to keep the metabolism ‘ticking’ along so you get the best weight loss result.    

Bad Resolutions #4:  

I am going to cut all fats out of my diet

While it is true that fat is the most calorie-dense nutrient in our diet (besides alcohol), it is certainly not the bad guy.  We all need a certain amount of ‘good’ fats in our diet because it provides, among other things, essential fatty acids which can prevent heart disease, lower cholesterol, improve the health of our hair / skin & nails and, most importantly, improve our metabolism.  Make good fat choices by having controlled portions of avocado, oily fish, nuts and seeds in your diet.

It’s all about balance and moderation – that’s what we do at The Natural Way – the holistic approach!

If losing weight is your priority for 2021, make a FREE appointment to see your nearest The Natural Way clinic on 1300 SLIMMER (1300 7546637).    We can show you how we will help you get back the body you want via our personalised weight loss programmes.  With over 40 years experience in the weight management industry, we know we have the program to suit your needs and budget. ‘Stay At Home’ – call Cora 0458 754 663, or Online here;

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