The power of the olive tree has long been revered by the Ancient Greeks. According to the teachings of ancient Greek doctors, the Olive tree is a botanical symbol of health, hardiness and longevity. Due to that, it was said that those who ingested food or medicine from the olive tree will themselves acquire health, hardiness and longevity.
Those ancient beliefs regarding the benefits of the Olive tree has certainly been confirmed with modern scientific research. Scientists have discovered that olive leaf contains an abundance of powerful plant polyphenols, including oleuropein, which has been shown in scientific studies to help lower bad cholesterol and blood pressure, prevent cancer, protect against oxidative damage, and help guard against cognitive decline.
One of the most significant benefits of Olive leaf extract is its positive effect in helping to boost the immune system. Olive leaf aids in inhibiting the growth of viruses, bacteria, yeast and parasites. Studies have also found that olive leaf can help to prevent the creation of viruses by damaging the organism’s cell membrane while also disrupting the production of critical amino acid proteins, which the virus requires to thrive and multiply. Not only that, olive leaf can help to ‘restore’ the body back to full vitality after recovery from a cold/flu or immune crisis that has left the sufferer feeling ‘flat’.
The Natural Way’s Olive Leaf Extract is immunity supercharged – in fact, it has been proven to have 200% more powerful anti-bacterial activity than a standard olive leaf extract. And to make this incredible The Natural Way formulation even better it is in a liquid form (and tastes delicious) which has a bio-fermented base. This means the absorption of the Olive Leaf is much more rapid (compared to pills / capsules) and the bio-fermented base promotes the growth of ‘good’ gut bacteria (probiotics), so you are enhancing your digestive & overall health at the same time!
Olive Leaf Extract is available NOW at The Natural Way for the small price of $32.50 (which is just over a month’s supply). What are you waiting for? Call your nearest clinic on 1300 SLIMMER (1300 754663) OR purchase today online by clicking on this link: