CONGRATULATIONS Ipswich client Annette – 55kgs and 305 cms lost!
For some, weight loss is changing what you eat and moving your body… for others it’s that plus a journey to find yourself, to eliminate road blocks and to understand who you really are!
We’re so proud of Annette with her dedication to a happier and healthier life and always remaining with a positive attitude. Annettes amazing journey started in 2015 with a 6.3 kgs lost in 2 weeks with The Natural Way – Ipswich…. Now with dedication, and all of 55 kgs and 305 cms are gone! Fantastic results Annette, and Tomas (Consultant) and the Ipswich team! Congratulations and happy healthier days!
You don’t need to have 55 kgs to lose, we help many to lose 5, 10, 15 and 20 kgs – just 10% on body weight loss makes a huge difference to YOUR wellbeing…
If you need more help to kick those extra kilograms to the curb, then you need the expert advice of The Natural Way. We have been helping Australians lose weight for 40 years, so our trained consultants certainly have plenty of ‘ammunition’ to assist you in getting over that weight loss stop.
Call 1300 SLIMMER (754663) now, and make a FREE appointment to talk to your The Natural Way consultant about your weight and health goals. We know we have a lifestyle friendly program can be tailored to suit your needs. Mail Order (Ph 0458 754 663) and Online shop available;
We would love to help you get your ‘Slim Body For Life’ – call today!