Marion is A Weight-Loss Winner

Marion joined The Natural Way in Ipswich QLD after she realised that something had to change.  She was unhappy about the way she felt and looked.  With a determined ‘no-fail’ attitude, Marion jumped in to her weight loss journey feet first and hasn’t looked back since.  She has now lost 32.7kg and an amazing 192.5cm, WOW!  Check out the transformation below – double WOW! We thought we would ask Marion a few questions about the secrets to her success: 


Q:  How did you overcome obstacles during your weight loss journey? 

A:  If there was one thing that kicked started my weight loss Journey, it was overcoming my 3 biggest obstacles.  These were:

  1. Altering my Dietary Intake – Prior to my weight loss journey, I ate large carbohydrate portions and way too much junk food. I swapped to eating smaller portions of lean meat, fish, chicken and green vegetables …and no more junk food
  2. Making a Consistent effort in Exercise – I would always give up on exercise but once I got ‘serious’ I realized that you have to give exercise 100% effort as often as you can and push yourself that little more every time.
  3. Eliminating negative influence – There were some close family and friends who would support my bad eating habits (and eat with me). So I Iearned to say ’no’ and remained committed to my goals.  This kept me focused and helped me to avoid the temptation of junk food, alcohol, sugar and high carbohydrates.


Q:  What would be your advice to others who are thinking about losing weight themselves?

A:  My advice to others is to set yourself short- term and long-term goals that will help you achieve the outcome you are looking for AND then stick to them.   Even if you have a difficult day, just jump back on board because nobody is perfect.  You are bound to have those days – you’re only human.  The key is to bounce back up and get back on track and remember all the reasons why you’re doing this for yourself.


Q:  How did the Natural way help you achieve your amazing weight loss?

A:  The biggest thing for me was having those weekly consults that kept me focused and accountable for my actions.  Together with a realistic menu plan that’s easy to prepare (even on a budget) it has also changed the way I look at food, so I have become a healthier fitter me.   The support from The Natural Way was invaluable, if it wasn’t for Nic and Thomas (my consultants) I don’t think I would have been able to achieve my weight loss goals.

Q:  How do you feel today?

A:  I feel fantastic, happier and more confident in my appearance and self-esteem then I have ever before.   I can now go shopping and buy nice clothes that fit me and make me feel great about my self for a change.


The Natural Way is not just a weight loss company:  We offer a comprehensive guide to maintenance via our Healthy Living program so our successful clients know what lifestyle changes they need to make in order to keep their brand new shape.  On top of that, you are entitled to FREE monthly maintenance visits to The Natural Way so we can keep ‘check’ on how your maintenance is going and ensure that your weight  stays exactly where you want it to be.  To find out more about The Natural Way, call 1300 SLIMMER (1300 754663) or visit our website HERE



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