If you have been out for breakfast lately, I bet you have noticed that one of the choices on the menu is an Acai Bowl. Their popularity has absolutely boomed (as did smoothie bowls and coconut / whip bowls), and they are touted as being a healthy breakfast choice – but are they really? This week, we will investigate exactly what is in an Acai bowl and determine if it is good for your health AND waistline.

Acai bowls look incredibly healthy and on first analysis, they are. They are made from the Acai berry (a Brazilian superfood berry packed full of antioxidants) that is pureed and frozen. When the bowl is served, the consistency is almost like that of a thick smoothie. The puree is served in a bowl and is usually topped with fruit, oats, muesli, nuts and / or coconut. Acai bowls almost look more like a dessert and, funnily enough, taste like a dessert, due to the natural sweetness of the ingredients.
So, it seems that having one of these for brekkie is a great option? Well, while an acai bowl may pack a punch in terms of its high nutrient content, you may be surprised at how many calories it contains.
Depending on the size of the serve, an Acai bowl can contain between 350 – 500 calories! EEK. When you consider that if you ordered 2 poached eggs with a side of wilted greens, grilled tomato and mushrooms, you would only be having around 250 calories AND feel fuller for longer due to the high protein content of the eggs.
Probably more frightening though is the amount of sugar an Acai bowl contains: one bowl can have up to 75 grams of sugar (depending on the toppings used). EEK, talk about a blood sugar high. I would definitely suggest that a Diabetic avoid ordering an Acai bowl and stick with lower carb options such as eggs.
While Acai berries have some great health benefits, they really have the same health benefits as many other fruits (particularly all varieties of berries). So like all things, Acai bowls are a great, healthy breakfast option, but due to their high calorie / sugar content, should only be enjoyed occasionally.
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