
Detox Kit Contents:

Formulation De-Xtra   $43.50

Formulation Herbal Cleanza   $33.50

& Detox Brochure

Toatal Normal Price:  $77.00

You pay only $67.00  (add another item and get to $85 in your basket and postage $12.00 is FREE)  




Toxins is a broad term we can use for anything that you may eat, drink or breathe into your body that is considered ‘harmful’.  Your liver is responsible for processing these toxins and making them less harmful to the body, in order to minimise free radical damage.

Due to our busy lifestyles and poor diets, it is very easy to overburden the body with excess toxins. Ideally, you should allow your body time to recover from toxin overload, which is when a detoxification program should be undertaken to allow you liver time to restore its full function.

The Natural Way’s Detox Program is a simple 2-week program that is a home detox for the liver.   Cleansing the liver will help to reduce fatigue, relieve constipation and increase your energy levels.  The condition of your skin may also improve.

The brochure contained in the Detox kit will recommend a cleansing diet to assist the detox process.   You may even find that you will lose weight and lose fat.  And, if you like a few drinks, the Detox kit will relieve alcohol stress of the liver.



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