Busting Weight Loss Myths to Lose Weight in 2020

If you have vowed to lose weight in 2020, you are not alone!  It is estimated that of all of us who make New Year’s Resolutions, 45% of those resolutions are to ‘lose weight & get fit”.  If you are one of those 45%, then you need to know how to be successful…rather than just giving up after a couple of weeks due to getting poor results. There has been so much written about dieting and weight loss over the years and the more you read, the more confused you can become.  In our blog this week (our first one for 2020), we are going to ‘put to bed’ some weight loss myths that may actually be making you put ON weight rather than losing it.

Myth #1:  As long as I eat less calories than I burn, I will lose weightThis most basic principle behind losing weight says that if you expend more calories (through exercise) than you consume (via food and drink), then you will lose weight.   While this is correct in principle, it’s not always this simple. Weight loss is complicated when you factor in genetics, environment, underlying health issues, hormonal imbalance and stress (to name just a few).

Myth #2:  Drink diet soft drink instead of full sugar alternatives:  Diet soft drink is certainly lower in calories that ‘normal’ varieties.  However, the problem with artificial sweeteners is that they are just as addictive as regular ones.  The super-sweet taste that artificial sweeteners provide actually activates the sweet taste receptors in your brain, making you crave for sweets even more.  Also, the chemical cocktail that is an ‘artificial’ sweetener simply increases the toxic load in your body (which puts your liver under more strain).  You are much better off just drinking plain water, as this quenches your thirst and can naturally suppress your appetite too.

Myth #3:  Skip meals to lose weight quicker:  This sounds like it should work…but it doesn’t!  Your body is too smart to be tricked into losing weight when you are ‘starving’.  If you don’t eat, it stores fat to use for energy later, which makes losing weight impossible.  So if you want to lose weight, you are much better off eating small meals more often to ensure you are burning up the calories as you are consuming them.

If 2020 is your year to kick those excess kilos to the curb, then you need the help of an expert – and that is your friendly The Natural Way consultant.  At The Natural Way you can enjoy our lifestyle-friendly, sensible weight loss program while learning how to maintain your weight once you get to goal.  To find out more about our all-natural weight loss program, call your nearest clinic on 1300 SLIMMER (1300 754 663) and make a FREE appointment. We even have a very successful ‘At Home’ program for those of you who are too busy to make it into a clinic.  Contact our at home consultant Cora on 0458 754 663 or by sending an email to cora@thenaturalway.com.au

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