Healthy Body = Healthy Mind

How many times have you heard a friend or relative say, ‘I need to lose weight…I feel terrible being this big!’  These may be not the exact words but you get what I mean…and perhaps you have said something similar yourself?


It’s no wonder then that feeling ‘fat’ can make you feel bad about yourself.  Results from a recent Australian study proved just this:  people who were obese were more likely to report mental health problems than those who are of average weight.

The researchers collected data on the physical and mental health of more than 1200 Queensland-based volunteers and it was found that obese participants reported more emotional problems (such as depression & anxiety) that had affected their work or social life when compared to those of a healthy weight.

What probably needs more research however, is which one comes first:  being overweight or being depressed.

If someone is obese they are more likely to have problems with their physical health and this can obviously affect the way they feel about themselves.  As a flow on effect, self esteem and body image issues may possibly manifest as mental health issues like depression.

However, if you suffer with mental health issues like anxiety and depression, then you are much less likely to focus your ‘priorities’ on improving your physical health via exercise and nutritious foods. 

The Natural Way has been in operation for over 40 years and experience has shown us that many of our overweight clients begin the programme and say they feel ‘depressed’, ‘tired’, ‘hopeless’ and ‘unhappy about the way they look’.   

However, as soon as weight begins to shed, these strong feelings (as well as physical ones like joint pain, problem skin etc) fade away…until our clients’ get to their goal feeling like a new person. 

Take Jennie, successful slimmer from Toowoomba a few years back.  

From her file we read:

Jennie is a full-time shift working nurse with four sons to raise.  On joining The Natural Way, she suffered depression and severe stress related to her hectic work and family life.  After losing over 34kg, Jennie was over the moon and declares losing her excess weight as being a ‘life-changing’ experience.  Not only has she got more energy but she no longer has depression – and loves how she can now participate actively in her childrens’ life.

So if you feel you could be getting more out of life – or just feel unhappy about the way you look – call 1300 SLIMMER (7546637) and take time to talk to one of our caring consultants. Or call Cora for ‘Stay At Home Program’ on 0458 754 663, or buy online here:

We can help you to improve your weight and your health, and you too will feel like a brand new person once you get to your goal!   

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